Europe. A Political Fiction?

Talk & Readings

1493: Colombus is captured in the Caribbean and never returns to Spain.
1531: The Incas land in Europe and invade a war-torn continent.

In Civilisations, bestselling author Laurent Binet puts us in the strange situation of having to imagine an inverted globalisation in which Europe would be the colonised and not the coloniser. Join him as he discusses with author and literary critic Alex Preston (This Bleeding City) how alternate history literature informs our understanding of the world. The discussion will be complemented by readings of excerpts of Civilisations by actor David Mildon.

Hybrid event
Onsite: David Mildon
Online: Alex Preston, Laurent Binet

photo: Laurent Binet © Jean-François Paga

Related / Latest Publications:
Civilisations, Laurent Binet (translated by Sam Taylor, published by Vintage)
As Kingfishers Catch Fire, Alex Preston (published by Corsair)
Virtual Live Reading Group: Civilisations by Laurent Binet

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Learn more about
Laurent Binet Alex Preston David Mildon